The passion for vineyards and wines was born many years ago in Cavinato family, during the second half of the 19th century, when the great-grandfather grew the old vineyard varieties and produced enough wine for the selling to the consumer of that time. The passion handed down from one generation to the next, until today, with new and actual vineyard varieties, white and red.
Winemaking is an art and this is the guideline for our company, which offers and guarantees quality products directly from producer to consumer. We pay specific attention to the environmental protection.
Since 2011, Le Centurie uses solar energy for all the production processes and domestic needs. Two photovoltaic systems have been installed, with commitment ad sacrifice, to pay attention and awareness to natural resources and environmental issues. The smallest one is about 7 kWh, to satisfy the domestic needs, and the biggest one is about 100 kWh to compensate the intense energy consumption required for production and product conservation. This is an important challenge of decreasing fossil fuel pollution and protecting environment and Earth.